Call for Contributions

+++ Call for contributions closed +++
Thank you for over 100 contributions on a big variety of S&G related toppics.
We are sure that together we will create an unforgettable conference.
We are "Shaping the Future" through Simulation & Gaming
In a world where uncertainty looms large, simulation and gaming provide us with powerful tools to explore, experiment, and envision the future. Whether it is modelling the impact of climate change, predicting market trends, or designing urban landscapes, simulation and gaming empower us to shape a better tomorrow. Let’s discuss the opportunities and challenges of “shaping the future” through simulation and gaming.
The theme of our conference is „Shaping the Future through Simulation and Gaming“. We are pleased to offer generous space for future-oriented topics and to engage in a dialogue about the role of simulation and gaming in this context.
Submissions on topics with the following focus are particularly welcome:
- Artificial intelligence, big data and automation
- Augmented and virtual reality
- Sustainability and climate change
- Resilience and adaptability
- City and spatial planning, infrastructure use or development (transport, energy, water…)
- Urban planning and public participation
- New work and organisational development
- Society in transition
- Innovative social work
- Lifelong learning and future skills
- Future-oriented learning and teaching in schools, universities and other institutions
- Research on facilitation and evaluation
- Innovations in the public sector
- National and international conflicts
- Dealing with crisis and disaster management
The above-mentioned future topics can be considered from a wide variety of simulation and gaming aspects. Be it questions relating to new games and methods, areas of application, facilitation, evaluation etc. Everything is welcome. This also applies to rather general submissions on the subject of simulation and gaming. As always, we look forward to everyone contributing to the discourse.

Types of Contributions
We look forward to receiving numerous submissions and a lively participation in our conference. You can submit entries for the following categories. All submissions will be subjected to a quality check and assigned to suitable presentation formats. The online submission portal opens at October 15, 2024: Link to the online submission portal
Scientific papers present qualitative or quantitative empirical research and discuss findings. Submissions that offer background research, literature reviews, or theoretical analyses on specific topics are also welcome.
Accepted papers will allow for an oral presentation of the work during an interactive paper session. We highly encourage submissions that align with the above-mentioned theme of the conference. Full and short papers may be submitted, covering mature results or addressing early work. All papers should be following the Springer LNCS format and adhere with the guidelines of Springer, and present novel and relevant findings in Simulation and Gaming.
All papers will be peer-reviewed double-blind. It is planned to publish excellent short and long papers in Springer Lecture Notes after the conference. Publication channels are subject to change.
Please take note on the following requirements:
- Papers must be written in English
- Papers shall be about 6-15 pages including abstract, figures, tables, and references
- Abstracts must be within 150-250 words
- Paper format must follow the Springer LNCS format. (more information here)
- Please submit your papers in anonymised form via Conftool
In contrast to scientific papers, this category focuses on contributions with a high practical approach. We welcome experience reports, best practice case studies and other submissions that provide guidance and inspiration for practical applications in the field of gaming and simulation.
All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will allow for an oral presentation of the work during a paper session, therefore at least one of the authors must attend the conference. Selected papers will be published in English in our ZMS publication series.
Please take note on the following requirements:
- Papers must be written in English
- Papers must be about 4-15 pages, including abstract, figures, tables and references
- Abstracts must be within 150-250 words
Work and ideas at an early stage can also be submitted as poster to the conference. During the conference, there will be an opportunity to present the posters and to engage with the conference participants. Abstracts (300-600 words) are required for submission and acceptance as poster presentations.
At least one of the authors must attend the conference.
Based on the reviews, papers that are not accepted for presentation may be recommended to be included as a poster presentation, too.
Please submit:
- A summary detailing the topic from 300 up to 600 words
Workshops are interactive events centered on a certain topic, issue or game. They are collaborative and active, not mere presentations.
Facilitators invite participants to actively work on a topic or design artefacts or focus on the design, play an exploration of games. They involve participants in hands-on exploration and creation. Organizers of workshops may request either 60 or 90-minute time slots, which should be specified in the proposal. We welcome submissions that resonate with the conference theme. Please provide a brief description of the workshop topics, activities, structure, setup and information about the facilitators. The program committee will evaluate all submissions.
Please send us your proposal including:
- The name(s) of the workshop organizer(s),
- A summary detailing the topic from 300 up to 600 words
- Please include the design, the activity and how it involves participants
A format for anyone who is thinking sideways!
Dealing with the future means being open to new ideas. That’s why the ISAGA Conference 2025 has the ‘outside the box’ category. Any submissions that cannot be assigned to the classic types of submissions are welcome here. Do you have creative ideas that go beyond classic presentation and workshop formats (i.e. a small game, a new method, a warmup,…)? Then this category is for you!
Please send us your proposal including:
- The name(s) of the organizer(s)
- A summary detailing the topic from 300 up to 600 words
- Please explain the design, including the time frame and spatial requirements and involvement of attendees

All submissions should be submitted using the conference management system Conftool: Link to Conftool
Opening of online submission portal – October 15, 2024
Deadline for submitting full papers (scientific papers and best practice papers) – January 31, 2025 February 16, 2025
Deadline for submitting posters, workshops and outside the box submissions – February 16, 2025
Notification of acceptance – March 31, 2025
Deadline for revised papers – May 15, 2025